Cooperative Learning in Far-East Asia and the World: Achieving and Sustaining Excellence
The International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education (IASCE)—in cooperation with co-sponsors, Taiwan Cooperative Learning (TCL) project and Japan Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education (JASCE), and our host National Taipei University of Education—is pleased to invite you to participate in the 2019 international conference, Cooperative Learning in Far-East Asia and the World.
2019 will mark IASCE’s 40th anniversary and, since its founding, the IASCE has led the way in highlighting and disseminating research and practice in cooperative learning in all aspects of education. JASCE, founded in 2004, has been the leader in supporting systematic implementation of cooperative learning in Japan through workshops, publications, and conferences. TCL project, sponsored by Taiwan Ministry of Education since 2012, has promoted the use of cooperative learning in school classrooms to realize Taiwan’s 12-year basic education philosophy of active learning, collaborative interaction and common good.
1. TCL of the MOE
National Taipei University of Education,Taipei,Taiwan 國立臺北教育大學